LaVectorDouble Class Reference

Real-valued Vector class. More...

#include <lavd.h>

Inheritance diagram for LaVectorDouble:

LaGenMatDouble List of all members.


 LaVectorDouble ()
 LaVectorDouble (int n)
 LaVectorDouble (int m, int n)
 LaVectorDouble (double *v, int n)
 LaVectorDouble (const LaGenMatDouble &s)
void resize (int n)
void resize (int m, int n)


int size () const
int inc () const
int start () const
int end () const
LaIndex index () const

Access functions

double & operator() (int i)
const double & operator() (int i) const
LaVectorDouble operator() (const LaIndex &i)
LaVectorDouble operator() (const LaIndex &i) const


LaVectorDoubleoperator= (double s)
LaVectorDoubleoperator= (const LaGenMatDouble &s)
LaVectorDoubleinject (const LaGenMatDouble &s)
LaVectorDoublecopy (const LaGenMatDouble &s)
LaVectorDoubleref (const LaGenMatDouble &)

Detailed Description

Real-valued Vector class.

A vector is simply an nx1 or 1xn, matrix, only that it can be constructed and accessed by a single dimension

Multiplication of this vector should be done by the functions in blas1pp.h and blas2pp.h, e.g. Blas_Dot_Prod() or Blas_Add_Mult(). (There are also some operators in blaspp.h, but we advice against them because they will always allocate a new matrix for the result even though you usually already have a matrix at hand for writing the result into.) Transpositions of vectors usually do not have to be calculated explicitly, but you can directly use the different multiplication functions that will use this vector as a transposed one, e.g. Blas_R1_Update().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LaVectorDouble::LaVectorDouble (  )  [inline]

Constructs a column vector of length 0 (null).

LaVectorDouble::LaVectorDouble ( int  n  )  [inline]

Constructs a column vector of length n

LaVectorDouble::LaVectorDouble ( int  m,
int  n 
) [inline]

Constructs a vector of size $m\times n$. One of the two dimensions must be one!

LaVectorDouble::LaVectorDouble ( double *  v,
int  n 
) [inline]

Constructs a column vector of length n by copying the values from a one-dimensional C array of length n.

LaVectorDouble::LaVectorDouble ( const LaGenMatDouble s  )  [inline]

Create a new vector from an existing matrix by copying. The given matrix s must be a vector, i.e. one of its dimensions must be one!

Member Function Documentation

void LaVectorDouble::resize ( int  n  )  [inline]

Resize to a column vector of length n.

This method always resizes to column vector, similar to the one-argument constructor. If you want a row vector, use the two-argument resize(int,int) method.

New in lapackpp-2.4.14.

void LaVectorDouble::resize ( int  m,
int  n 
) [inline]

Resize vector to size $m\times n$. One of the two dimensions must be one!

New in lapackpp-2.4.14.

Reimplemented from LaGenMatDouble.

int LaVectorDouble::size (  )  const [inline]

Returns the length n of this vector.

int LaVectorDouble::inc (  )  const [inline]

Returns the distance between memory locations (in terms of number of elements) between consecutive elements along dimension d. For example, if inc(d) returns 1, then elements along the dth dimension are contiguous in memory.

int LaVectorDouble::start (  )  const [inline]

If the memory space used by this matrix is viewed as a linear array, start(d) returns the starting offset of the first element in dimension d. (See LaIndex class.)

int LaVectorDouble::end (  )  const [inline]

If the memory space used by this matrix is viewed as a linear array, end(d) returns the starting offset of the last element in dimension d. (See LaIndex class.)

LaIndex LaVectorDouble::index (  )  const [inline]

Returns the index specifying this submatrix view in dimension d. (See LaIndex class.) This will only differ from a unit-stride index is the current matrix is actually a submatrix view of some larger matrix.

double & LaVectorDouble::operator() ( int  i  )  [inline]

Returns the $i$th element of this vector, with the index i starting at zero (zero-based offset). This means you have

\[ v = \left(\begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ \vdots \\ a_N \end{array}\right) \]

but for accessing the element $a_1$ you have to write v(0).

Optional runtime bounds checking (0<=i<=n) is set by the compile time macro LA_BOUNDS_CHECK.

const double & LaVectorDouble::operator() ( int  i  )  const [inline]

Returns the $i$th element of this vector, with the index i starting at zero (zero-based offset). This means you have

\[ v = \left(\begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ \vdots \\ a_N \end{array}\right) \]

but for accessing the element $a_1$ you have to write v(0).

Optional runtime bounds checking (0<=i<=n) is set by the compile time macro LA_BOUNDS_CHECK.

LaVectorDouble LaVectorDouble::operator() ( const LaIndex i  )  [inline]

Return a submatrix view specified by the index I. (See LaIndex class.) These indices specify start, increment, and ending offsets, similar to triplet notation of Matlab or Fortran 90. For example, if B is a 10 x 10 matrix, I is (0:2:2) and J is (3:1:4), then B(I,J) denotes the 2 x 2 matrix

\[ \left(\begin{array}{cc} b_{0,3} & b_{2,3} \\ b_{0,4} & b_{4,4} \end{array}\right) \]

LaVectorDouble LaVectorDouble::operator() ( const LaIndex i  )  const [inline]

Return a submatrix view specified by the index I. (See LaIndex class.) These indices specify start, increment, and ending offsets, similar to triplet notation of Matlab or Fortran 90. For example, if B is a 10 x 10 matrix, I is (0:2:2) and J is (3:1:4), then B(I,J) denotes the 2 x 2 matrix

\[ \left(\begin{array}{cc} b_{0,3} & b_{2,3} \\ b_{0,4} & b_{4,4} \end{array}\right) \]

LaVectorDouble & LaVectorDouble::operator= ( double  s  )  [inline]

Set elements of left-hand size to the scalar value s. No new vector is created, so that if there are other vectors that reference this memory space, they will also be affected.

Reimplemented from LaGenMatDouble.

LaVectorDouble & LaVectorDouble::operator= ( const LaGenMatDouble s  )  [inline]

Release left-hand side (reclaiming memory space if possible) and copy elements of elements of s. Unline inject(), it does not require conformity, and previous references of left-hand side are unaffected.

This is an alias for copy().

Reimplemented from LaGenMatDouble.

LaVectorDouble & LaVectorDouble::inject ( const LaGenMatDouble s  )  [inline]

Copy elements of s into the memory space referenced by the left-hand side, without first releasing it. The effect is that if other vectors share memory with left-hand side, they too will be affected. Note that the size of s must be the same as that of the left-hand side vector.

If you rather wanted to create a new copy of s, you should use copy() instead.

Reimplemented from LaGenMatDouble.

LaVectorDouble & LaVectorDouble::copy ( const LaGenMatDouble s  )  [inline]

Release left-hand side (reclaiming memory space if possible) and copy elements of elements of s. Unline inject(), it does not require conformity, and previous references of left-hand side are unaffected.

Reimplemented from LaGenMatDouble.

LaVectorDouble & LaVectorDouble::ref ( const LaGenMatDouble  )  [inline]

Let this vector reference the given vector s, so that the given vector memory s is now referenced by multiple objects (by the given object s and now also by this object). Handle this with care!

This function releases any previously referenced memory of this object.

Reimplemented from LaGenMatDouble.

Generated on Sat Jul 14 11:40:37 2007 for Lapack++ by  doxygen 1.5.0